Keep it Moving

Taken on the run! Marco Island, FL, March 2019

Taken on the run! Marco Island, FL, March 2019

It can be easy to hole up and stop moving given the current state of things. How many hours have we spent reading and/or watching tv this week? How often did we feel overwhelmed this week? During these difficult times, we may feel a loss of control.

This week, let’s talk about taking back some control, so that we can keep our minds and bodies moving forward and as healthy as possible given the current circumstances.

Some pieces of positivity that I can share: 

1- Outside, fresh air is abundant.

Spring has sprung in the northeast, lest we forget with everything else going on. Let’s enjoy the sunshine when we can.

2- Sidewalks, roads, and trails may still be open.

While many beaches are closed for sitting/sun-bathing, we may still be able to use them to walk or run.

3- Virtual races are taking place left and right.

A virtual race basically means that we can run or walk the chosen race distance: wherever and whenever we want. We can sign up for the race online, and the goodies that we would normally receive at the race (bib, shirt, medal, etc) will be shipped right to us. It’s the honor system as far as completing the distance to earn the swag.

We have the power to change the story in our minds. Let’s seize this opportunity.

Maybe we find ourselves with more time at home, and maybe we even have more time to exercise than usual, if we allow it. 

We can view the coming weeks as an opportunity to start fresh, try something new, maybe explore a different running route, a new trail. 

Our homework this week: set an exercise goal. If we are not currently in training or if we have scrapped our training plan due to race cancellations, frustration, anger, fear, or sadness, I would encourage us to pause and start fresh. Let’s pick a virtual race, and sign up for it this weekend. 

Here is a helpful link to a 12-week beginner training plan from Runner’s World, developed by Budd Coates, that may come in handy during this time.

Feeling stuck right now is quite common, but please reach out for assistance. I’ve received at least one email a day this past week about a variety of virtual races, and they have all made me smile. Head over to our Facebook page, and let us know which virtual race you sign up for, and I will do the same!


Point A to Point B


Plenty More Races to Run